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Boto Heavy Truck Tire – Pattern BT568 - size 1200R24

- صمم الاطار ليتناسب مع جميع الطرقات - يؤدي اداء جيد في مقاومة التشقق والتمزق - صمم المداس لأداء ممتاز في مقاومة التآكل غير المنتظمة

Boto Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern BT168 - size 1200R24

- The tire is designed to work on all roads - Heat resistant with high speed performance - The frame provides good performance in resisting cracking and tearing

Boto Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern BT168 - size 1200R20

- The tire is designed to work on all roads - Heat resistant with high speed performance - The frame provides good performance in resisting cracking and tearing

Boto Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern BT168 - size 1100R20

- The tire is designed to work on all roads - Heat resistant with high speed performance - The frame provides good performance in resisting cracking and tearing

Sailun Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern S711 -size 1200R20

- The frame provides stability and control in difficult operating conditions - The tire provides stability and better off-road handling - The tread is designed to improve uneven wear - Tear and cut resistance

Sailun Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern S917 -size 1100R20

- The tire is specially designed for off-road operation - The tread design resists irregular wear, cutting and wear - The depth of the tread pattern provides a long tread life with a lower economic cost

اطار نقل ثقيل من فاروس ، نقشة P.OOST- وسط- مقاس 315/80R22.5

- Zigzag tire tread design provides grip on all surfaces - Excellent tear and wear resistance - The tread is designed to resist irregular wear

Goodride Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern CR926-size 1200R24

- The frame is designed to suit off-road - The frame is characterized by smooth and comfortable driving - The tire resists irregular wear - The tire provides excellent braking force

Pirelli Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern AP05-size 1200R20

- The tire is designed to work on off-road and paved roads - The frame resists damage and tearing - The frame has been developed with high extreme endurance - The frame fits perfectly for harsh use

Firestone Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern F598-size 325/95R24

- The frame is designed to fit all axes - The frame provides the necessary strength and durability on all roads - The frame withstands unstable temperatures

Firestone Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern FT522-size 385/65R22.5

- The frame is designed to work on all roads - The tread pattern design provides high resistance to irregular wear - Tread fluff provides longer tire life

Firestone Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern FS833-size 315/80R22.5

- صمم الاطار ليتناسب مع جميع المحاور - يوفر الهيكل الصلب لدى الاطار اداء طويل الامد - يتميز الاطار بالقوة و المتانة

Firestone Heavy Truck Tire- Pattern FD833-size 315/80R22.5

- صمم الاطار بقدرة تحميل اضافية - يتميز الاطار بقوة جر عالية على جميع المحاور - يوفر الاطار الثبات و التحكم - يوفر الاطار مقاومة عالية ضد التمزق و الاهتراء

Bridgestone Heavy Truck Tire-pattern G582-size 325/95R24

- The framework is designed to work on all axes - The frame is characterized by its ability to work in various operating conditions - The frame resists tearing and wear - The frame provides a longer service life