- The tire is characterized by its high speed on Good Roads and highways
- Good corrosion resistance and fuel saving
- The frame offers excellent performance and heat resistance
- The frame provides low noise
- The tire is designed to withstand difficult operating conditions, especially in cold weather
- The Tread has been optimized for better performance
- The tire is suitable for off-road and wet wet roads
- The frame is designed to suit all wet and dry roads
- The frame is designed with high endurance and stability
- The frame offers high performance while driving
- The frame provides stability and control
- The frame is designed for its ability to extra load
- The frame is characterized by good corrosion resistance
- Excellent tear and wear resistance
- Regular wear and longer life
- The frame is designed to fit all roads, especially wet roads
- The frame enhances safety and security while driving
- The frame resists irregular wear
- صمم الاطار للعمل على جميع الطرقات خصيصا الطرقات الرطبة
- يوفر تصميم المداس مقاومة عالية للتآكل الغير منتظم
- يقاوم الاطار التمزق و الاهتراء
- يتميز الاطار بالاداء المثالي
- The frame is designed to suit all roads
- The frame is specially designed for SUVs
- The tire provides comfort and tranquility while driving
- The tire is characterized by high performance and outstanding driving all year round
- صمم الاطار ليتناسب مع جميع الطرقات
- يوفر الاطار الراحة في القيادة على الطرقات السريعة
- يحتفظ الاطار بجودته لفترات طويلة مما يجعله من افضل الاطارات في فئته